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  • De/Constructing the Other _ Seminar with Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Videokunst & Performance _ Seminar with Tobias Yves Zintel, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Film ist #2 _ Seminar with Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Film ist _ Seminar with Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Videokunst & Performance _ Seminar with Tobias Yves Zintel, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Ich, etc. _ Seminar with Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Experimentalfilm-Forum _ Seminar with Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Videokunst & Performance _ Seminar with Tobias Yves Zintel, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Räume #3: Affected Places _ Seminar with Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Experimentalfilm-Forum _ Seminar with Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Videokunst & Performance _ Seminar with Tobias Yves Zintel, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Experimentalfilm-Forum _ Seminar with Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Videokunst & Performance _ Seminar with Tobias Yves Zintel, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Undirected Cinema _ Seminar with Tobias Yves Zintel, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Found Footage Film _ Seminar with Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Videokunst & Performance _ Seminar with Tobias Yves Zintel, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Räume #2 _ Seminar with Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Experimentalfilm-Forum _ Seminar with Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Video|Bewegtbild _ Seminar with Christian Sievers, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • First Person Cinema _ Seminar with Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Video|Bewegtbild _ Seminar, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • CUT IT SHORT _ Workshop with Matthias Müller in the context of the German Short Film Award, Cinenova, Cologne, DE
  • Experimentalfilm-Forum _ Seminar with Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Performance _ Seminar with Tobias Yves Zintel, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Film ohne Film _ Seminar with Christian Faubel, Luis Negrón van Grieken, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Video|Bewegtbild _ Seminar with Christian Sievers, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Gegen die Tadler des Kurzen _ Lecture with Matthias Müller in the context of the symposium Short of What?, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Experimentalfilm-Forum _ Seminar with Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Screen Tests _ Seminar with Tobias Yves Zintel, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Performance _ Seminar with Tobias Yves Zintel, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Facetten des Bewegtbildes _ Seminar at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, DE
  • Vom Gärtnern in der Medienkunst – Konzeption und Realisation einer Ausstellung _ Seminar with Helen Koriath and Matthias Neunhofer, Universität Osnabrück, DE
  • Videokunst _ Lecture at the seminar by Luis Negrón, Christian Sievers, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Tendenzen in der Videokunst _ Seminar with Helen Koriath, Universität Osnabrück, DE
  • Räumlichkeiten im Medium Film _ Lecture at the seminar by Sophie Maintigneux, Marc Glöde, Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • Einreißen, aufbauen, umräumen _ Lecture, Kunsthaus Stade, DE
  • Splits and Spaces _ Lecture, Motorenhalle, riesa efau, Dresden, DE
  • Rearrangement – Alternative Collocations of Space and Time _ Lecture, Zendai Contemporary Art Exhibition Hall, Shanghai, RC
  • visuelles erzählen _ Seminar at the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, DE
  • Raum und Wahrnehmung _ Lecture, Szenografie Kolloquium, DASA, Dortmund, DE
  • Ortsangaben _ Lecture at the seminar by Matthias Müller, KHM, Cologne, DE
  • _ Lecture, backupfestival, Weimar, DE
  • Videokunst: Gestern-Heute-Morgen _ Lecture within the Symposium at the Museum Glaskasten Marl, DE
  • Bildfragen in der Gegenwartskunst _ Lecture at the seminar by Helen Koriath, Universität Osnabrück, DE
  • Bilderforscher _ Workshop with Kerstin Ergenzinger, Sk Stiftung Kultur, Cologne, DE
  • Klangreise, Bilderreise _ Workshop with Gerriet K. Sharma, Sk Stiftung Kultur, Cologne, DE
  • Musikvideo revisited: experimentelle Formen von Bewegtbild und Klang, Sk Stiftung Kultur, Cologne, DE